Friday, May 22, 2020

The Influence of Piagets Four Stage Theory Essay

The Influence of Piaget’s Four Stage Theory Jean Piaget was an influential psychologist who created the Four Stages of Cognitive Development. He believed when humans are in their infancy, childhood, and adolescence they try to understand the world through experiments. During cognitive development children are little scientists that create theories, experiment, and conclusions on how to adapt to the world. By the time children become adults they will be able to put into affect everything they learned and utilize the skills they need to live in this world. Everyone fits perfectly into the Piaget’s Four Stages of Cognitive Development, even myself. The first stage is Sensorimotor. As the name says sensoimotor helps the newborn†¦show more content†¦I barely got to see my parents maybe once or twice a week. I usually lived with my grandparents or my uncle. I never had much parental supervision so in that sense I had to observe and pick up everything by myself. I never had anyone teach me how to walk, but I trie d on my own. Learning to talk wasn’t easy, but through trials and error everything begins to fall in place. I remember stumbling and falling down many times, but I still picked up walking. Talking I had to listen, try, and then succeed. I was a fast learner. Concrete operational thought is the third stage. In this stage a 7-year-old to adolescence starts to put reason and logic being everything they do. They begin to understand better, but not fully. They only understand what is going on here and now. During this stage was when I begin to realize why my parents were always missing. I hated them for never being there and always going away. I felt as if they left me behind to be taken by my grandparents or my uncle. I felt like they didn’t love me. To me it felt like they loved work more than they loved me. When I see them maybe once or twice a week I always acted like a little brat, I wanted them to care about what I thought and how I felt. I didn’t care about wh at they were feeling or why they had to work. I always acted like I didnt care about them. Immaturity played a great role during this stage. I never really thought about consequences and or the endShow MoreRelatedPiaget s Theory Of Cognitive Development1096 Words   |  5 Pagesdevelopment into different stages. For example Freud (..) and Piaget (2003, 2000, 1985) described development as a qualitatively distinct series of stages. But there has been criticism about stage-based approaches in terms of how it is able to take on account the individual differences between children in development. The focus of this essay is on Piaget’s theory because it is one of the most influential theories. 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